I recently subscribed to a page called "Writing for Dollars" on Facebook. The first update I recevied from them was titled "Sneak Peak for you-all." Obviously they are not "Editing for Dollars," which brings me to my point: Just write! Edit later. Do edit, of course, but keep in mind that if you pick a grape before its time, (that's the possessive "its," by the way. I can understand if someone might think I meant "before it is time," and therefore believe that I should have put an apostrophe, but I digress because I'm editing while writing)... um... what was I going to say??? Oh yes, if you pick a grape before the appropriate time, the end result may - no WILL - be piss-poor wine.
This was a response to: "Is writing making me dumber? Or, more dumb? Or dumberer? - Writing a Novel is a Piece of Cake... Right?! - The Speculative Fiction Writers Tookit" - http://www.sfwriterstoolkit.com/cake/2009/3/27/is-writing-making-me-dumber-or-more-dumb-or-dumberer.html#comments#ixzz0BHGalNOS
The Saga of Cricket the Cat
4 weeks ago
Only edit when you get tired of writing, says I. Better yet, get someone to do the editing for you. Which reminds me, I need to get on that. As soon as I finish lending money to J.K. Rowling, that is.
I'm really good at the writing. The editing...? Not so much. Too lazy to get started on it. Bleagh!
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